NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month is a creative writing challenge that takes place during the month of november. to participate you need to write from scratch, you can not use any previously started works. to ‘win’ you must finish 50,000 words which is an average of 1,667 words per day. here I will occasionally post excerpts and/or backstory/inspirational images.
You can do some planning and background research. I have already gotten started!
Day 7 — Already
The first four days of the challenge I was either in transit or working 12 hour days. I managed some writing then, and am now catching up. My strategy is to write like the wind and not edit in the slightest. But easier said than done. ;)
I was away from home, but now I have three days in a row!
Day 8 - Oh my
This writing is harder than the drawing challenge I did last month, INKtober! Today I realized that all the prep work I did— the chapter ideas, the story arc, the characters. I don’t give a fig about it. It is boring and the writing feels dead. So scrap all of that and start again. I’m feeling more comfortable now. Fingers crossed.
Look at that!
Day 13 - Finally
Moving forward with Plan C! Finally the writing takes off. But it is hard and is tearing out my heart. I find I am writing large parts while swimming. Then the actual writing is more fluid. Or, like yesterday, write for three hours, then process while swimming.
Day 18 - Work and Travel Continue to Conspire
Even though I am not writing everyday, I feel I am making progress and learning more about what I want to write about. And about who I am and how I work as a writer. I am happy with my progress.
Day 28 - With the upcoming posting and a new project, I have stopped writing.
Still, I have learned a lot about me as a writer, about my characters, and about the story I want to tell. And this is all good.