
This site is my venue for artistic expression, showcasing my photography, fine art, and writing. The site is always in flux, as is life. The images are meant to be seen big.

For the images on this site there are several ways to see them larger and/or without distraction: if you hover over the image with your pointer you will see the caption, for others, if you click on the image, it will go to a black frame view with a larger image. Thank you for taking the extra time. :)



Main Pages

Musings I do not care to blog, it feels somehow, too restrictive. But I do muse from time to time.

Photography— This is a passion. I am interested in pattern, monochromaticity, perspective, light and shadow, details, serendipity. I have been exploring square format for some time now. I am exploring the constraint of using a single fixed lens, a Leica 15mm, on my micro 4/3 camera. It is instructive and challenging.

Fine Art— I explore using watercolor, pastels, colored pencils, and ink on various papers and on printouts of my own images.

Writing— My genres are short (short) stories, essays, and poetry. I am currently working on two books: a short story and a series of stories and images from a time in a country.

Challenges— I participated in INKtober! 2020. I have done two challenges previously: INKtober! 2019 and NaNoWriMo 2019. I am looking for more.

IMages about the Details

Selections from Musings

 Thank you for visiting